Warning! Beware of scams.
Beware of scams
Just a quick post to remind all our members on the dating site to be very wary of any emails they receive regarding their login details.
Please see the images below.
These were sent to us in admin – and we know we did not send them out!!
It’s just more scams, which we receive daily!
Just to confirm – Beware of scams. Once you have joined and confirmed your email address, every message from admin will start with your username. Scammers will not know these details so if it doesn’t say “Hi (your name)” … it’s not from us!!
Look at these images. These are just some of the scams we receive on a daily basis and if we are receiving them, you probably will be as well.
These are from a while back now but they arrive on a daily basis – every day.
One of the problems is they look like they could have come from the site because they have our email address at the top, but this has been spoofed.
So, just be very wary whenever you receive any message asking you to enter your login details!!
We will probably never ever ask you to do this.
There are a couple of things that you can do about emails like this…
If you know how to check the header content to find out the details of the origin of the email, definitely do this.
If there is any link or url to click in the email message saying “go to the site” or “click the link” to change or modify your details, simply ignore this and if you think you should change your details, go to the site manually to do it. At least you know that you have gone to the correct site to change your details (which probably wouldn’t need changing anyway).
Just to confirm, if you receive any email that looks like it’s from dreamdateuk asking you to click a link to change anything – don’t!
In the very rare and unusual event that we ever ask you to change your login details we will ask you to “go to the site” to change them. We will never supply a link.
Also… apart from when you very first join and we ask you to confirm your email address – we will never ask you to confirm any of your login or personal information and if you receive any email that asks for this type of information – it’s a scam!!
Finally, your password will never expire and again, if you receive any email suggesting this will happen… Scam!!
Scams have become a daily part of online life. The government do almost nothing about it and for the foreseeable future, your safety online lies firmly in your own hands.
Scammers and hackers will try absolutely any which way to get your details. Make sure you are one step ahead!
Stay safe
dreamdateuk admin