Warning of Non-Responsibility

Non responsibility Policy

dreamdateuk Warning of Non ResponsibilityLast updated: 22nd May 2024

Your access to this site is subject not only to your acceptance of our General Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy, our Cookies Policy and our Additional Terms and Conditions but also to your acceptance of this Non Responsibility Policy and your use of the site and any of its services implies your full acceptance of this Warning of Non Responsibility.

The Site and Services offered by dreamdateuk.co.uk are in no way an incitement to join or to invest in any of it’s Services however, if you do become a member and subsequently use one or more of the Services your acceptance of this warning notification, constitutes your acceptance that dreamdateuk (The Business) or any of its connected companies, parent or otherwise, its’ employees, directors, agents and managers and any related third parties worldwide, will bear no responsibility whatsoever for any physical, psychological, mental or any other harm which results from any contact with our website.

It is the sole responsibility of you the User (yourself) to take all necessary precautions and safety measures to protect yourself from any harm when using the Site and it is also your sole responsibility to ensure that all or any information you supply online can not be used for any purposes other than for which it was intended.

It is also the sole responsibility of you the User, to take sufficient safety precautions when contacting members online and particularly when meeting up with any other members offline. dreamdateuk does not accept any responsibility for any indiscretions, sexual or otherwise that might occur online or offline and as a member, you agree to this condition and all other conditions relinquishing dreamdateuk from any responsibility for any harm done to any individual both online and offline.

Your acceptance of this Warning of Non Responsibility constitutes that you, the User (Yourself), assume ALL RISK when using any of the Services which includes, but is not limited to, all of the risks associated with any online or offline interactions with others, including all dating related activities and associated activities and by using the Site and any of it’s Services, you agree to take all necessary precautions to afford yourself the maximum security and care available when meeting individuals met through the Site.

Any site specific information presented on this site has been written with the greatest of care and knowledge available at the time of writing but is offered solely as a reference on the understanding that you the user determine for yourself as to what is applicable or relevant to you and your requirements, and no guarantee is given regarding its completeness or accuracy.

Any information given in any Members profile is supplied by that member and dreamdateuk has no input to this content and therefore not responsible for any content that my offend in any way, however, we will make every effort to ensure that any content that we consider to be inappropriate is removed as soon as practically possible.

We implement zero tolerance of any content whatsoever that infringes another members human or legal rights.  If any member has been, or thinks they have been targeted by the content in another individuals profile content, or indeed in any other content area of the site, please contact admin where we will immediately take action.

Under no circumstances will dreamdateuk or any of its’ Directors, employees, agents or managers or connected third parties be liable for any losses or damages of any kind whatsoever, whether, they are direct, indirect, or consequential damages related to the access of the website, its use, consultation, exploration, or links to other sites.

dreamdateuk accepts no liability or responsibility for the content of any third party websites accessed by links via  https://dreamdateuk.co.uk.

The data, logos, graphics, and graphic design itself, as well as all text and images appearing on this site are the sole property of dreamdateuk and any reproduction not subject to express written permission from dreamdateuk will be regarded as an infringement of its’ intellectual rights and will result in prosecution and demand for compensation.

Access to this site is offered solely for those who can legally access it. This site is intended purely for residents of the United Kingdom. dreamdateuk hold or bear no responsibility for any person who accesses the site under a deceptive or dishonest manner.

For the avoidance of doubt, dreamdateuk will not be held accountable in any way whatsoever for anyone who accesses the site when not legally entitled to do so.

dreamdateuk reserves the right to freely refuse any person from joining without having to justify a reason and it cannot be held responsible for any such decisions.

We will do our utmost at all times to maintain a safe and legal environment, dreamdateuk will not be held responsible for any inappropriate content that has been inadvertently overlooked. The responsibility for any content of any such nature lies firmly and solely with the person who posted the inappropriate content.

dreamdateuk provide the dating platform for the use and pleasure of its’ members and we respectfully request that all members, in their given category, respect other members lifestyles and use the site responsibly as we can not be held responsible for any matter that arises out of irresponsible member behaviour, however, what we can do is take action against any indiscretions which may involve account closure of any guilty parties and we reserve the right to undertake this action if we feel something (anything) untoward has taken place.

Here at dreamdateuk, we guarantee that there are no fake profiles on this site. dreamdateuk.co.uk was populated by offering free memberships. By fake profiles, we mean purchased profiles, profiles added from other sites, profiles that are not of real people and profiles added where the perceived member does not know that their details have been added!

dreamdateuk Admin