
Joke: Three types of women

The first man married a Greek woman.

He told her that she was to do the dishes and keep the house all nice and tidy, just like a good Greek wife should.

It took a couple of days for her to get into this way of life, but on the third day he came home to see a clean house and the dishes washed and put away.


Joke: Me before my operation

Continuing on our mission to bring a smile to the world, here’s the operation joke… A man is drinking in a bar when he notices a really beautiful young woman. Hello there, he says; whats your name? Read more…

Sex and Relationships

What is sexual orientation and gender?

Many terms are used nowadays to account for people who do not fit into the natural sexual orientation.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, fluid and many other terms have been developed to describe a person’s sexual orientation. A sexual orientation defines our emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction to other people.

For her

Dating safety – in an nutshell

Online dating is a great way to meet potential partners. In fact nowadays,  most people find their partners in this way.

There are however, a few advisory recommendations that we would like you to consider before getting into any situation online.