
dreamdateuk - free online dating


Welcome to dreamdateuk’s blog!


Is dreamdateuk.co.uk dating site really free?

Yes, it’s genuinely free – 8 categories for all different types of people and all genders, and it’s 100% free to Join, Search AND chat!  There are no limitations or restrictions and you don’t even have to watch any ads to get started.

What features are there?

Video chat, Anonymous internet phone calls, Hidden profile mode and many other profile enhancements. We also offer a Wall for all members (a bit like facebook) and an Encounters feature (bit like tinder) where you like (or not) other members photos and they get notified and we offer a carousel at the top of the search pages where you can add your profile picture where it will be seen by all members.

How much does it all cost?

Searching and chat is always free!  Premium features start at just £2. You can see all our premium features and costs here:  Premium features

Check out our blog categories over there on the left for more information about the sites.

dreamdateuk.co.uk – Genuine online dating for the UK